
  • 포함할 CandidateChain에 포함할 processor들을 표시한다.

기존 설정 값

 <!-- now, processors are assembled into ordered CandidateChain bean -->
 <bean id="candidateProcessors" class="org.archive.modules.CandidateChain">
  <property name="processors">
    <!-- apply scoping rules to each individual candidate URI... -->
    <ref bean="candidateScoper"/>
    <!-- ...then prepare those ACCEPTed to be enqueued to frontier. -->
    <ref bean="preparer"/>
  • [process 진행 과정 설명]
    1. 각각의 candidate URI에 rule을 적용하여 filtering 한다. -> cadidateScoper
    2. 이 filtering 된 URI들(ACCEPTed)을 queue에 저장한다. -> preparer

Posted by Righ